Hi Everyone!
Thank you for joining me on my new, updated website. I hope that you will a look around. I am writing this blog to let everyone know I am here, resuming my blog writing, and making music, of course. I have been preparing the release of my single "Working Dude," which includes a hyper-colored, MTV-era inspired, zany music video directed by Chris Westenberger. The music and video are all done, and in the mean time, you can can check out some photo stills from our video shoots. (Look above!)
Much of what I have been doing is preparing, ensuring quality, and implementing much of what I have learned about production, photography, video, and songwriting. I have been doing so many behind-the-scenes things, but I am looking forward to sharing the music with you, and getting this whole project out there. Showing and sharing music is ultimately the point, and I'm excited to finally unveil this new project for everyone to see.
Generally speaking, after a time of quieter realizations, learning, and honing, I am excited to move on to a new era in my work, one in which I can connect with others with more live shows, more releases, and more interaction. I am off to LA soon, but look out for some more blog posts to come in the next couple of weeks, after which, I will finally be sharing "Working Dude." Talk to you soon!