There is so much to talk about! Musical developments, re-directed routes/initiatives, internal calibration, introspection, world calamity, unfortunately, and the coming end of the current "Baktun!" All of these things have been swirling together with an increased intensity as we draw closer to the year's end. I have to say that although many focus on 2012 (y'all!) for external events, this year has been as powerful for our internal worlds. It seems that a major theme emerging is how so much of the visible and external events that are occurring in our world seem to be rooted in our internal life. I have been particularly preoccupied with the climate and environment of our physical world, and how this is mirrored by the general ills of society on a psychological level and spiritual level. At this time, I have had thoughts of an all encompassing and purifying night which could purge our world of its problems, restore happiness, and add need room to our thoughts, perceptions on life. Right now with the speed of life, I tend to focus intently on the natural elements of the sun, the sky, the clouds, and the rain- as constant powers that exist independently of the current times.
Another things that can always restore our clarity is music. At the current time, music has been going well as I continue to the put the finishing touches on new songs that will comprise my new EP or album (more on this later, I fully expect to have plans for this worked out in 2013!). I feel that the connection I have with songwriting and my vision in music has been intensifying recently. Perhaps it's me continuing to gain clarity on my future in music, or just the gravity of the times, but I feel like it's much easier to forge ahead with less doubt or questioning, or need for re-assurance. With such traumatic events recently, music, like the Sun, Moon, and sky, can serve as reminders of the endurance of our world. These are things which have existed through time in all their essential purity, and suggest that we will in time return to the reverence of our natural world. And songwriting can help me look beyond the seeming limitations and frustrations of the world around me as I imagine (and slowly implement) another world.
Which leads me to remind all that I will be playing a show on Friday December 21, 2012 at 10:30 PM at ZirZamin (90 W. Houston Street)! I know that date is of hot discussion, but I think it will be perfectly safe to come, and might as well play some music to mark the occasion! I played to spot back in August, and it's a quirky underground room with candles- and it kind of looks like a restaurant you might see somewhere in Europe. I hope some of you can make it out to the show! I look forward to playing for some old friends, and for some new people who have not heard me play live yet!
There are some other things I am looking out for in the coming year, some of which for the moment must be kept SECRET. Secrets can be really fun, and I think for the time being it's best not to say much about a major, possibly pivotal project I have in the works. Since it's in its early gestation period, I think it's best for me to slowly work on the project to gain a better sense of its scope, and get a sense of how to best present this to the world. I will drop some hints- it's involves music, big data, and our universe (I know that sounds far-flung)- and I think it relates to just about anybody!
And, for the time being resolutions are being made. For instance, I definitely plan to play beyond just the NYC area in 2013! I have my new project, my new music, and all kinds of initiatives. I would say that in total this year has been about clarity, and stripping away things that were not essential or part of our trajectory, even if this was unpleasant. For now, resolutions and visions burn so powerfully within that I cannot contain them- so they will certainly be spilling out into the world for 2013!!!
Eric Contractor