Hello Reader!
I now realize that it has been a while since I have last updated, and for that I should be properly abashed! But no matter, all of you fair/buxom/dapper readers should take solace in knowing that I have not been able to post simple because I have been so busy being E(p/r)ic. And that includes, new ideas, plans, sketches, and moves.....
The first of which was my move from NYC to New Jersey. When I found out that my roommates and I had to leave our apartment, I decided to simply go with the flow, and come back to New Jersey for a little while. While I have been out here, I have been allowing my thinking, internet consumption, circadian rhythm, and practice schedule to come into relative balance. Put simply, everything in New Jersey is slower. I'm talking food service (don't even get me started!), driving, walking, and the expiration of tired, running jokes. It seems that happenstances and identities and points-of-view are so varied and many in NYC that someone can run through several in the course of a week. However, I have to say that the slower pace in the Tomato State is allowing me to consolidate and focus my thinking for my upcoming plans. (By the way, since when did people start saying "Y'all" in the Northeast?)
And, being out in New Jersey doesn't mean that I am not still involved with New York. In fact, I have been coming for hanging out, inspiration, and a couple classes. I will also be performing a show in NYC at the intriguing venue ZirZamin (90 W. Houston Street) on Saturday August 25th at 7 PM! I am look forward to this show because I am excited to play music for some friends of mine who have never seen my performance in a live setting. I always love to present my work to people for the first time- and- I feel recently like my performing and a sense of my purpose as a performer has been consolidating as well....
I also have been in talks with film director extraordinaire Audrey Lorea (currently working on her feature length sci-fi film "Heaven is Now") for a short film that will be based around one my new songs. Right now, we are aiming for a performance art, possibly scripted short film that will use a more experimental approach with integrating my music. We are going for something bold, visually stunning, possibly irreverent, and of course tremendous. We are now finding out sources of inspiration from all places and ages, but I don't want to give away too much on this just yet......
But, overall, more than ever, I am learning to really trust my instincts, which are currently telling me to continue to vivify my vision and follow it wherever it may go. I've gotten into trouble in NYC trying to do this or that because it's the thing I felt I was supposed to do....according to conventional wisdom, or simply because other people have done it. But in a calling that is equal parts inspiration, arduous achievement, and exceptions, conventional wisdom really only goes so far. This means that I have just been taking time to lessen the exposure to other extraneous voices and opinions. And, as far as I can tell, one of the general themes of the 2012 (Y'all) era is that the old, overly obvious ways of going about things don't work.
And isn't it so much more enjoyable to go on your own path? After all, no one will be a better you than you. Best regards!!! More updates soon.....
Eric Contractor